Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nicole Rash hizo un trabajo sobresaliente como presidente de Alpha Mu Gamma

Es un placer para el Club de español de Ball State University felicitar a Nicole Rash por sus exitos recientes en los cuales muestra su gran talento e inteligencia en el dominio de las lenguas con un español sin mácula.

El Dr. Warner dice lo siguiente de nuestra destacada alumna:

Dear colleagues,

You may have noticed the recent article in the Star Press "Ball State Student Named Miss Indiana'. That young lady is our own Nicole Rash who did such an outstanding job as president of Alpha Mu Gamma during spring semester 2007.

27 contestants from Indiana participated in swimsuit and evening wear competitions, a talent exihibition, and an on-stage question and answer period.

Nicole is a Spanish student who tested in at the Ball State 300 level from her high school in Plymouth, Indiana. She is majoring in Spanish in our department and in fashion merchandising and apparel design at Ball State. She had previously been named Miss Ball State University 2007 and will now be Indiana's (and Ball State's!) representative in the Miss America pageant.

On behalf of our department, I would like to heartily congratulate Nicole for her accomplishments and wish her the very best in the Miss America pageant.

Dr. Ron Warner
Faculty sponsor - Alpha Mu Gamma

Puedes escuchar y ver a Nicole Rash. Visita los enlaces de la derecha.